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Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Queer

The Meaning Behind 32 LGBTQ Pride Flags

Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Queer

More By Elizabeth Yuko

In the LGBTQ community we signify our pride with flags. With many different identities in the community there comes many different flags to know.

The LGBTQ community is large and varied, encompassing a range of gender identities and sexual orientations. As a result, there are many different pride flags that have been created to represent the diverse identities within the community.

Some of the most well-known pride flags include the rainbow flag, which represents the entire LGBTQ community, and the pink, blue, and white transgender flag. However, there are many other pride flags that represent specific identities within the LGBTQ community, such as the lesbian flag, the gay flag, the bisexual flag, and the asexual flag.

In total, there are now over 50 flags recognized among the LGBTQ community, each used to symbolize different gender identities and sexual orientations. This number is constantly growing as the community continues to evolve and new identities are recognized.


The many different pride flags that are used within the LGBTQ community are a powerful symbol of the diversity and resilience of the community. These flags are a reminder that everyone is welcome in the LGBTQ community, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation.
